
The module 4 Corresponds to impacts on beneficiary households where LAPs seek security and legal certainty about land ownership.

Module 4: Household Livelihoods

The results and impacts chain

LAPs aim to be based on the benefits of other titling projects, through the support of LAS. These services should encourage the strengthening of land tenure rights and the improvement in livelihoods of households. As regards the evaluation of the strengthening of land tenure rights, this guide conceptualizes legal certainty and security of tenure not only by obtaining titles for households, but also through other forms of benefits linked to updating the cadastre, developing real folios, resolving disputes, and gaining access to more efficient, decentralized administration services supported by the institutions that form LAS1.

It is in this respect that regulation helps to increase tenure security by strengthening the legal recognition of these rights both by the individuals who possess them and by people who share boundaries and by the state2. Security also increases as tenure rights and the related economic benefits remain intact over time. As regards household livelihoods, this guide has adopted the Sustainable Livelihoods Conceptual Framework, with the aim of evaluating the effects and impacts of LAPs in relation to the various household capitals.

At household level, the expected effects can result from the direct intervention of the project, through the development of better LAS, and will be perceived in the short and medium term (direct impacts) and also through a longer chain of causes and effects which can lead to impacts that are more significant but subject to environmental conditions and longer periods of time (indirect impacts). Similarly, in addition to the difference in the times they take to achieve, impacts can also be classified according to the various capitals that constitute household livelihoods. It is based on this results and impacts chain that the results framework for this level has been generated.

The households results and impacts chain

The households results and impacts chain

Source: Authors


1 Williamson, I. & al. (2010).
2 GTLN- UN Habitat (2008).