Participatory approach to evaluation
The evaluation tool gives examples of different ways of evaluating the results and impacts of LAPs using methods involving the participation of beneficiaries and other players such as land administration service users. This aspect is particularly relevant when evaluating the satisfaction of LAS users, the effectiveness of communication campaigns in cadastral and titling updating processes, the perception among men and women of greater security and legal certainty of tenure and the processes of delimitation and/or recognition of indigenous territories.
In particular the tool presents survey models to users about their perception of land administration services (see fact sheet on Registry services) and an instrument for holding meetings with qualified users, such as notaries, lawyers, financial services or municipal technical officers (see fact sheet on Registry services). Methodological guides are also provided for determining the perception of beneficiaries as regards the effects of LAPs on increasing security and legal certainty of tenure, by carrying out household surveys and focus groups (see fact sheet on Impacts on households Module 4).