The recognition of land rights for indigenous people is crucial for the preservation of lives and livelihoods around the world. Today, an estimated 2.5 billion people depend on indigenous and community lands, however only approximately one fifth of this land is legally owned by indigenous people. As competition over the...
Land Tenure and Livelihoods: What is the link?
13 June 2016
13 June 2016
The International Centre for Forest Research (CIFOR) is carrying out a global study on advances of land and forest tenure reforms, through a comparative analyse between Peru, Indonesia and Uganda.
On June 2016, the preliminary results of this study were presented in Lima and Puerto Maldonado, in Peru. At the meeting...
This event organized by FAO and Utz Che’ with the financial support of DFID and Ford Foundation, was aimed to exchange experience and methodology about the land tenure management and local governance in communal lands, in the Mesoamerican region. The objective was to form young people, indigenous and small farmer’s leaders,...
IV Meeting South-South, Peru 2016
14 April 2016
14 April 2016
On days 13, 14 and 15 of April 2016, the Organization for the Formalization of Informal Property (COFOPRI) held an event that addressed issues related to the property and land registry. Through sharing international experiences on best practices, the event aimed to help achieve all the purposes of the entity...
The FAO is launching a monitoring and evaluation tool for LAPs (M&E-LAP) in Latin America
24 April 2015
24 April 2015
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has designed and developed a tool for the monitoring and evaluation of Land Administration Projects (M&E-LAP) in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (LAC). This tool aims to support the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes of these programmes and...