Contents of the tool
Each module of the M&E-LAP tool has: a conceptual framework, a practical guide to and multiple instruments for evaluation, such as the results frameworks and fact sheets. The tool also contains a general glossary and an extensive bibliography.
Module 1
Corresponds to the proposed methodology of the tool and the experience of LAPs in Latin America and Central America in particular.
Module 2
Corresponds to the first level of intervention of LAPs, i.e. national land administration institutions within which LAPs seek to promote more efficient and better quality services.
Module 3
Corresponds to the level of intervention of subnational entities, i.e. Municipal Districts and Indigenous Communities and Territories (ICT) where LAPs seek to promote multipurpose land administration systems.
Module 4
Corresponds to impacts on beneficiary households where LAPs seek security and legal certainty about land ownership.
Module 5
Corresponds to the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Analysis (FFEA) of LAPs which contains elements of the three main modules.
The contents of each module:
The contents of each module:
Modules 2, 3 and 4 are divided into four parts:
- The Conceptual Framework offers a theoretical introduction based on a literature review and on the experience of LAPs in Latin America; it offers a range of results and impacts for constructing the results framework.
- The Results Framework displays the range of results and impacts with their indicators, means of checking and assumptions. These are linked to fact sheets and are downloadable documents.
- The Practical Methodological Guide offers a practical introduction to the key indicators according to project cycle stages and introduces the fact sheets.
- Fact sheets are practical instruments for step-by-step measurement of the main LAPs indicators to support the methodological guide. These sheets can also be downloaded on line.