General structure of the tool
The main focus of this tool is to provide a methodological and instrumental framework to asses the impacts of LAPs on Land Administration Institutions (LAI) and their users (module 2), territorial entities such as indigenous communities and territories (module 3) and households directly benefiting from the programmes (module 4). It also contains information for the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Analysis of LAPs (module 5).
The inverted pyramid logic refers to the decreasing gradient in numbers of LAP beneficiaries within the national territory. Module 2 thus corresponds to the LAP intervention level with the largest number of beneficiaries through the Land Administration Institutions which supply services at a national level. Module 3 corresponds to the results within communities achieved locally. Module 4 corresponds to the results within households.
The figure also shows the increasing level of impacts by the increasingly intense blue colour, in which a darker blue indicates a greater impact, i.e. impacts on the livelihood of households (module 4). For example, giving or settling a title deed will have a greater impact on households than reducing the number of days necessary for registration formalities.