Incentives for Ecosystem Services

From PES to IES: Part I

In 2013, scholars, policy makers and practitioners collaborated with the IES project to prepare 28 case study fact sheets on innovative incentives for ecosystem services initiatives around the world. These different examples were then presented and discussed during a Multi-stakeholder Dialogue to highlight the challenges and opportunities linked to the development and sustainable viability of such initiatives.

The case studies presented below do not illustrate the full integrated criteria for an IES package, but include at least one element from the incentives spectrum to reward or compensate farmers to implement improved agriculture, land, forest or watershed management practices.

The cases and Multi-stakeholder Dialogue discussions helped to define the focus of the project beyond 2014 and contributed to the design of the toolkit for practitioners and policy makers.

PES, RPE to preserve biodiversity/ empower indigenous people

Sustainable financing for watershed management

PES, RPE and rural-urban linkages

Rewarding climate change mitigation

Rewarding climate change mitigation

17. Permanent protection of otherwise logged Bikin Forest, Primorye, Russia
Chuvasov, E., WWF Russia

19. Forest conservation in Mexico: Ten years of PES - Bauche Petersen, P., consultant and Sandoval, P., FAO

PES as a vehicle for the creation of innovation

PES as a vehicle for the creation of innovation

20. Syngenta-Operation Pollinator for multi-functional landscapes
Weiss, P., Syngenta

22. Policy experiment of transboundary watershed management of the Xin'an River, China
Wen, C., University of Leeds

New tools to increase effectiveness in design of ecosystem services rewards

New tools to increase effectiveness in design of ecosystem services rewards

23. Co-investment in protecting watershed functions of Sumberjaya, Way Besai, Indonesia - Pasha, R., ICRAF

24. Implementing PES within public watershed structures: A case of the Sasumua watershed in Kenya
Gathenya, J., ICRAF, Kenya

25. No free lunches: PES and the funding of agricultural biodiversity conservation. Insights from a competitive tender for quinoa-related conservation services in Bolivia and Peru
Pascual, U., Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Spain and Drucker, A., Bioversity International

2014 Partners