Knowing water better: towards fairer and more sustainable access to natural resources - KnoWat

KnoWat at the 2020 Water for Food Global Webinar Series: Water Tenure and Water Rights


An online webinar on Water Tenure and Water Rights was organized by the University of Nebraska’s Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute on the 19 November 2020.

Stephen Hodgson, environmental lawyer and FAO senior water tenure consultant, presented FAO’s work on water tenure. Stephen gave an overall picture of water tenure, definition  and typologies of water tenure arrangements. He presented the water tenure assessment methodology, developed under the KnoWat project, which will be implemented in Rwanda, Senegal and Sri Lanka.

The aim of KnoWat project is to implement a comprehensive water resources assessment, by linking water tenure assessment with water accounting.

Watch the recording of the webinar

Read the programme of the webinar

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