Event series on strengthening accountability and inclusion
A series of events co-organized by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP)
Progress has been made, but the humanitarian system – as a whole – is not accountable to the communities it serves. To help practitioners understand the current state of accountability to affected populations (AAP) and how they can be part of strengthening accountability and inclusion, PHAP is organizing a series of events together with the IASC Results Group on Accountability & Inclusion. Join us for a series of webinars touching on different aspects of accountability and inclusion, bringing together global and local perspectives:
- Implementing collective accountability to affected populations (8 September 2021)
- Navigating guidance on accountability and inclusion (5 October 2021)
- AAP in the COVID-19 response (2 November 2021)
- Complaints and feedback mechanisms (7 December 2021)
This webinar series on accountability to affected populations, consists of four sessions organized between September and December 2021, and will explore various aspects, success elements and challenges of accountability and inclusion.
Registration is already open. Save the dates of these events!