COVID-19 sensitization - Sharing knowledge to keep rural communities safe

KORE, under the leadership of the Global Programme Support Team and coordination platform, the Emergency Management Center, developed a set of knowledge sharing and visibility outputs to facilitate documentation and dissemination of emerging COVID-19 sensitization responses in countries with food crisis situations, such as Afghanistan, Mali, Pakistan and Yemen. The products rely on qualitative data collection and beneficiary-level evidence gathering carried out during on-the-ground missions.
The in-country documentation was completed as part of the 18-month-long USAID-funded project "Supporting critical agricultural value chains in food crisis countries in the context of COVID-19”. The project, implemented under the banner of Pillar IV of the FAO Global Humanitarian Appeal for COVID-19, “Ensuring food supply chain actors are not at risk of virus transmission”, focused on providing sensitization tools to eleven focus countries and capturing emerging country-level RCCE responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
The products include diverse animated films, photo galleries, knowledge briefs and an external webinar series on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for COVID-19 prevention along the food supply chain, as well as five documentary films developed in close collaboration with country offices in Mali, Pakistan and Yemen. The documentaries capture emerging COVID-19 responses related to Risk Communication and Community Engagement as well as interviews with beneficiaries, Implementing Partners, and FAO staff.
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