KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Sharing best practices and financing solutions The Resilient Local Food Supply Chains Alliance and its partners invite you to the Youth Dialogue on Agri-Food Businesses and Startups: Sharing Best Practices and Financing Solutions. This online dialogue is part of a youth [...]
Join REAL for the final discussion in a series of three, based on our recently published Resilience Rapid Learning Series. The third discussion is based on the brief Role of Markets in Strengthening Social Resilience Capacities in Northeast Nigeria, which documents how a [...]
Date: Wednesday 22 July, 12:30PM UTC The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have launched a series of webinars exploring how digitalization of food and agriculture systems can provide some quick responses [...]
Achieving local and global food security: at what costs?
A conference organised by Elsevier, Montpellier University of Excellence and Wageningen University & Research, and supported by Agropolis International, CGIAR: Science for humanity's greatest challenges, CIRAD Agricultural Research for Development, INRA Science and Impact and The French National Research Institute for Development [...]
A webinar facilitated by the FFP-funded Strengthening Capacity in Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Environment (SCALE) Award. Thu, October 24, 201910:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT Click here to register In the face of increasing negative impacts of climate change and other economic and political [...]
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