KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

As applications of resilience have increased the associated measurement options have grown. An unintended consequence of such growth is that the proliferation of resilience measurement approaches hinders efforts to generate evidence that is conceptually consistent and empirically comparable. To address this problem, [...]
  We face a reality where hazardous events are interrelated, and disaster impacts cascade in unpredictable ways. Multi-hazards can be a coincidence, they can be directly triggered by another or influence each other, creating multi-vulnerabilities that we need to prepare for. [...]
Open until 31 July 2022, 23:00hrs CEST
  To better understand and meet the needs and expectations of its diverse audience, KORE, the Knowledge sharing platform of FAO's Office of Emergencies and Resilience (OER), is gathering feedback and reviews on the Knowledge sharing platform.  Kindly take about 10 minutes to share your views. The survey [...]
This Annual Report highlights the progress and results achieved during FY21. It provides an overview of grant making activities in six regions and across GFDRR’s eight targeted areas of engagement. It also explores some areas of the work in greater depth [...]
This event, hosted by FinEquity and REAL creates space and time for practitioners, researchers, and donors to think critically about the role women’s groups may play to build resilience. Through a panel discussion and facilitated participatory breakout sessions, the event seeks to draw on [...]
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