KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
The latest issue of the FPMA (Food Price Monitoring and Analysis) Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report has been released. The monthly FPMA Bulletin reports food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more [...]
The guiding questions on preparedness and resilience were developed to facilitate the Food Security Cluster (FSC) in raising awareness on preparedness and resilience-building throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). The questions are based on the gFSC Discussion Paper: Options to Address Preparedness and [...]
This webinar was organised with support from the European Union. 30 November 2016 Share your feedback on the event Speaker: Bernard Rey, Deputy Head of Unit – DEVCO C1 Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition Moderator: Luca Russo, Senior Food Crises Analyst and Strategic Adviser on resilience, FAO Since [...]
This webinar was organised with support from the European Union. Resilience Measurement and Analysis webinar series: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis model – RIMA-II: what’s new? 9 June 2016 – 14.00 - 15.30 CEST Share your feedback on the event Speaker: Marco D’Errico, lead Econometrician, [...]
This webinar series was organised with support from the European Union. Resilience Measurement and Analysis Webinar I: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis model – RIMA-II: what’s new9 June 2016  -  14.00 - 15.30 CEST (UTC/GMT+2) Today, resilience is a concept that is [...]
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