KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Wednesday 5 May14:30 - 16:30 CESTRegister here On 5 May 2021, the Global Network against Food Crises will hold a high-level virtual event to release the latest figures on how many people are facing acute hunger and malnutrition in crisis prone countries, in [...]
Jeudi 29 avril8:30 am - 9:30 am ESTInscrivez-vous ici Ce webinaire partagera les avancées innovantes de deux projets axés sur les systèmes d’alerte précoce, le changement climatique, la résilience et la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique sub-saharienne. Les deux projets, l'un en [...]
FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity
The FAO-WFP Hunger Hotspots report is a forward-looking, early warning analysis of countries and situations, called hotspots, where acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate over the coming months. These hotspots are identified through a consensus-based analysis of key drivers [...]
On top of a decade of exacerbated disaster loss, exceptional global heat, retreating ice and rising sea levels, humanity and our food security face a range of new and unprecedented hazards, such as megafires, extreme weather events, desert locust swarms [...]
Renforcer les capacités des réfugiés et des communautés d’accueil à produire, transformer et consommer des aliments nutritifs dans le comté de Turkana
Agriculture is the primary livelihood for the majority of Kenyans , and it accounts for 26 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). In rural areas, more than 70 percent of informal employment comes from agriculture. In arid and semi-arid areas [...]