KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

  The webinar on experience capitalization and good practices in ICTs in agriculture is part of the “Call for good and/or promising practices on the use of ICTs in agriculture” and will provide the members of the e-Agriculture Community of Practice (COP) and other participants [...]
Intergrating agricultural production with agroforestry to build resilience during heat wave season in Ch’ortí region
The rural population in the Eastern dry corridor of Guatemala is highly vulnerable to food insecurity. This territory, consisting of seven departments, has the highest population density and the highest rates of absolute poverty. Within these seven departments is the [...]
Protecting livestock and agricultural production during floods and droughts
In Bolivia, seasonal flooding is common in the lowland and low slope (1 percent) department of Beni, where some of the most important rivers converge. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) identified the important practice of [...]
Foire aux savoirs. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Au Sahel, environ 65 pour cent de la population active travaillent dans le secteur agricole et leurs conditions de vie sont ainsi tributaires des aléas climatiques, des marchés et des facteurs environnementaux. Plus de la moitié sont des femmes. Les [...]
Guidance to implement the CFS-FFA
Operationalizing the CFS-FFA is a global priority for FAO under its Strategic Programme 5, “Increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises”. In July 2016, FAO started developing a series of Guidance Notes on key areas of its work in protracted [...]
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