KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Renforcer les capacités des réfugiés et des communautés d’accueil à produire, transformer et consommer des aliments nutritifs dans le comté de Turkana
Agriculture is the primary livelihood for the majority of Kenyans , and it accounts for 26 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). In rural areas, more than 70 percent of informal employment comes from agriculture. In arid and semi-arid areas [...]
Exchanges with the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU
In a world that produces enough food to feed its entire population, more than 1.5 billion people cannot afford a diet that meets the required levels of essential nutrients while over 3 billion people cannot afford the cheapest healthy diet. People without [...]
Promoting COVID-19-safe migration and livestock markets while tailoring livestock packages and cash-for-work schemes
Kuchi pastoralists, numbering around 2.4 million people in Afghanistan, are one of the region’s most vulnerable groups. Their condition has since been exacerbated by COVID-19 and containment measures related to the pandemic. As part of its emerging COVID-19 response, the [...]
This webinar is organised with support from the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office. Anticipatory Action (AA) webinar series: Anticipatory Action for livelihood protection and food security: Concepts and practices for a system-wide shift from reactive to preventive approaches to crises 19 November 2020 [...]
Using digital media and distanced messaging to promote virus mitigation and combat misinformation
The continuing COVID-19 pandemic—and related lockdowns—triggered a massive cash crisis around the world for families who depend on informal earnings, including daily wage workers. In Pakistan, a nationwide lockdown was imposed on 21 March 2020. This had major reverberations on [...]