La capitalisation d'expériences est un processus méthodologique par lequel une expérience est identifiée, analysée et documentée, et qui aboutit à la création de connaissances (par exemple des bonnes pratiques ou des enseignements tirés) qui peuvent être partagées et utilisées pour [...]
In its current form, the page provides a simple overview of early warning early action (EWEA) and access to key information resources, such as our quarterly Global EWEA reports, acting as a basic web reference for our internal and external [...]
The guiding questions on preparedness and resilience were developed to facilitate the Food Security Cluster (FSC) in raising awareness on preparedness and resilience-building throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). The questions are based on the gFSC Discussion Paper: Options to Address Preparedness and [...]
Since its inception in 2012/2013, considerable progress has been made on various fronts in the implementation of IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) throughout the region, with a number of achievements having been recorded, including the following:
The establishment and operationalization of the IDDRSI Regional [...]
This independent Mid-Term Review of the implementation of the first Phase (2013-2017) of the IDDRSI Strategy, is part of the commitment of IGAD Member States and Partners to generate solid evidence for the progress of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience Sustainability [...]