KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Development programming in fragile and conflict-affected states can present daunting challenges, not the least when trying to generate learning for adaptive programming. Settings are fluid and actors are transient, while limited access to many parts of a country hampers the [...]
La capitalisation d'expériences est un processus méthodologique par lequel une expérience est identifiée, analysée et documentée, et qui aboutit à la création de connaissances (par exemple des bonnes pratiques ou des enseignements tirés) qui peuvent être partagées et utilisées pour [...]
In its current form, the page provides a simple overview of early warning early action (EWEA) and access to key information resources, such as our quarterly Global EWEA reports, acting as a basic web reference for our internal and external [...]
The guiding questions on preparedness and resilience were developed to facilitate the Food Security Cluster (FSC) in raising awareness on preparedness and resilience-building throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). The questions are based on the gFSC Discussion Paper: Options to Address Preparedness and [...]
Since its inception in 2012/2013, considerable progress has been made on various fronts in the implementation of IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) throughout the region, with a number of achievements having been recorded, including the following: The establishment and operationalization of the IDDRSI Regional [...]
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