Resources on nutrition and resilience

A joint initiative between KORE and the Food and Nutrition Division from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with the support of the European Union.
The burden of malnutrition in all its forms remains a challenge. Healthy diets significantly contribute to nutrition. Their availability, accessibility and affordability largely depend on well-functioning food systems. Shocks that influence food systems can disrupt livelihoods and influence food production, storage, processing, distribution, marketing, and consumption. In these contexts, diets tend to be marked by diminishing quantity, quality, safety and diversity of food, making it more difficult for people, including children and pregnant and lactating women, to meet their dietary needs.
The food and agriculture sector is essential to human nutrition and to communities' resilience, but approaches designed to increase households' resilience to shocks do not always contribute to positive – and sometimes even have negative-nutrition outcomes. Specific attention is required to make resilience-building interventions "nutrition-sensitive".
At the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Food and Nutrition Division, has joined forces with us at KORE from the Office of Emergencies and Resilience, to embark in a knowledge management initiative with the objective to identify a package of selected types of evidence-based nutrition-sensitive interventions, focusing on how support to rural livelihoods and food systems can improve diets and contribute to nutrition in contexts affected by food crises.
Below is a list of nutrition-sensitive good practices that have been documented so far:
- Nutrition-sensitive Farmer Field Schools in Kenya's Kalobeyei settlement
- Nutrition-sensitive cash+ in Somalia
- Nutrition-sensitive voucher schemes in South Sudan
- Combining nutrition education and rural livelihood support in Kenya
- Food security and nutrition information systems to enhance resilience of rural households in Yemen
- Strengthening nutrition and resilience of crisis-affected communities in the Central-North region of Burkina Faso
- Livestock for Health in Kenya
- New! Promoting the economic empowerment of rural women for improved food security and nutrition in the Niger
Also check out the following!
- The Food and Nutrition webinar series page.
- The latest infographic on ’Food and Nutrition Education in Emergency and Resilience’ in ENGLISH and FRENCH.
Your feedback is important to us!
Related links
- FAO and nutrition
- Improving the design of Food Assistance CVA to contribute towards nutrition objectives
- FAO/TUFTS Technical Series on the Conceptual Framework for Addressing Acute Malnutrition in Africa's Drylands
- Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture investments Checklist and guidance for programme formulation
- Key Recommendations for Improving Nutrition through Agriculture and Food Systems
- Compendium of indicators for nutrition-sensitive agriculture
- Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice options for intervention (Revised edition)
- Nutrition, food systems and conflict (Information note)
INFOGRAPHIC: Food and Nutrition Education in Emergency and Resilience (EN) / (FR)