Public expenditure

As part of MAFAP's agrifood policy monitoring portfolio, our economists carry out analysis on public expenditure on food and agriculture in order to provide evidence-based policy advice for countries in Africa on how to better spend their resources for food security and nutrition and inclusive agricultural transformation.
Through an in-depth public expenditure review at country level, MAFAP is helping governments and their ministries to see trends in public spending and investments on food and agriculture over the years, assess how much is allocated to the sector and on what, and highlight areas that are underfunded or that could have higher returns on investment. This type of economic analysis can also help to identify bottlenecks in the budget where funds may be stuck, as well as be useful to align spending to national development plans or goals.
For an overview of public spending on food and agriculture by country, check out the country pages under the Where We Work tab.
You can explore MAFAP's data on public expenditure further on the Data Hub page to see indicators on levels of spending, how countries fair on commitments to the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), a breakdown by spending category and more.
The team also provides capacity building to establish country-owned and country-led monitoring mechanisms for government spending on food and agriculture for MAFAP's 8 main partner countries as well as for a number of countries in the Near East and South Asia. The programme has also developed a free policy monitoring e-learning course.
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Alethia Cameron
All about agrifood policy monitoring in 1 minute with Valentina Pernechele
Find out in 1 minute from Economist Valentina Pernechele how the MAFAP Programme is helping countries through policy monitoring and data analysis on...
Publications on public expenditure
E-learning on public expenditure
Monitoring public expenditure on food and agriculture: the MAFAP method
Learn how public spending on food and agriculture is a critical to better understand agricultural public expenditure and how it affects agricultural development, food security and nutrition, and economic growth.