The project is managed by the Pesticide Risk Reduction Group (AGPMC) based in the Plant Production and Protection Division in FAO HQ in Rome. The implementation arrangements rely on a number of technical groups, committees and partners external to FAO to ensure the project is delivered effectively and efficiently:
Project oversight:
The project is under the overall supervision of the Director of AGP in Rome and based within the Pesticide Risk Reduction Group with administrative supervision provided by the head of the Group. The Group manages and implements over 30 similar projects across the globe and provides the necessary experience and support to ensure the project fits within the wider scope of FAO activities linked to pest and pesticide management.
The project is technically complex and covers a range of disciplines from legal, plant protection, plant production, risk education, life-cycle management, obsolete pesticides and container management. A project task force has therefore been established within the Risk Reduction Group comprising FAO officers from across the various technical areas covered by the project.
Project Management and Coordination
The day-to-day management and supervision of implementation of the project is the responsibility of the technical officer in AGPMC. The technical officer acts in the capacity of Project Coordinator.
One of the most important aspects of the coordination role is the identification of internal and external project partners. Linkages with international NGO partners have proved a great success in ensuring the project reaches beneficiaries at grass roots level. The project partnership arrangements explained on this site demonstrate the importance of recognising the strengths of all partners and the contribution they make to ensure successful delivery of a project.
Within FAO, the project coordinator is supported by the Project Task Force within AGPMC and also the FAO Legal Office.
National Project Coordinators
In order to support countries implement the project at national level FAO has established a network of national project coordinators. The coordinators assist government teams to develop the necessary work plans and the implementation of activities on the ground. The coordinators have an important role in making the project visible in the country and act as the bridge between the FAO management team in Rome and the country project teams.