Plant breeding programs in Sudan
The Republic of the Sudan is located mostly in the Sahel in northeastern Africa. It is the largest country in Africa and in the Arab World, by area. Sudan's modern history has been plagued by civil wars stemming from ethnic, religious and economic conflict. Sudan is (as of 2009) ranked as the third most politically unstable country in the world according to the Failed States Index. Sudan agriculture forms a significant sector of the national GDP, engaging nearly 80% of the total workforce. Cultivation of crops such as cotton, groundnuts (peanuts), sorghum, millet, wheat, sugarcane and cassava (tapioca), besides fruits like mango, papaya and bananas comprise the major agricultural activities.
The earliest efforts in plant breeding were started at the beginning of the 20th century when the British launched their project of growing cotton in Sudan. At present there is an active breeding programme for all the major crops in Sudan carried out by both public and private institutes.
Serious improvement work in crops other than cotton started in the second half of the 20th century and it is sustained for crops like sorghum, maize, millet, sesame and groundnut. However, the intensity of work varies from one crop to the other and fluctuates in time depending on available funds and personnel. Most of the breeding activities were directed toward development of varieties to the irrigated sector of agriculture in the country.
The available capacities in plant breeding are not efficiently used in Sudan because of lack of funds. Funds should be provided to the Agricultural Research Corporation and the Universities to make use of the qualified staff in these institutes. An intensification of training in plant breeding and biotechnology at the post graduate level is also necessary.
Research and education institutes with activities in plant breeding
Public Institutes
Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC)
University of Khartoum
University of Gezira
Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST)
Private Institutes
Arab Sudanese Seed Company (ASSC)
Kenana Sugar Company (KSC)
Information by Abdalla Elahmadi (2005).- Information based on the Sudan's full report from the PBBC survey. Last revised 22-06-2010, GIPB.