Publicaciones de la FAO
Unasylva 229: Forests and Water
April 2007
April 2007
Vol. 58, 2007/4. Special issue on the state of knowledge of forest and water interactions and related policy issues. Foresters and water management specialists are cooperating more closely than ever before, but their exchange of expertise could be developed further. Informed decisions about integrated forest and water management depend on applied research and its dissemination to policy-makers. With this issue of Unasylva we hope to enhance the flow of information, knowledge – and safe water.
This booklet aims to separate fact from fiction on issues related to forests and water and to dispel some of the commonly held misconceptions about the role of forests in flood mitigation. It does not pretend to provide an exhaustive overview on the subject; rather, it aims to brief policy-makers, development agencies and the media, and so constructively contribute to the development of sound watershed and river-basin management, and flood-mitigation policies, for the Asia-Pacific region.
November 1999
November 1999
November 1999
November 1999