WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity


© S. Maines

   WaPOR activities in Mali

According to the latest available studies, the availability of water resources in Mali is not a problem in itself. Mali is crossed by two of the main rivers of the sub-region, the Niger and the Senegal. However, this resource is very unevenly distributed, and some regions (notably Kayes) offer sometimes dismal success rates for drilling campaigns.

Mali's economy is heavily dependent on the primary sector, which is the engine of development, with agriculture accounting for 45% of GDP, employing 80% of the total population and providing more than 75% of export earnings. However, it is constantly subject to climatic hazards, the degradation of natural resources (degradation of soil, water, air, vegetation, biodiversity, climate, etc.), and the deterioration of the terms of trade (continuous fall in the price of agricultural exports), thus limiting the increase in the income of the rural population and exposing the population, particularly young people, to immigration. 

Project partners in Mali

🌾 The Ministry of Rural Development.
🌽 The Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Rural Development.
🌾 The National Directorate of Agriculture.
💧 The Office du Niger.

Map of pilot areas in Mali

📍 WaPOR pilot areas in Mali: Office du Niger, which occupies the western part of the central delta of the Niger River.
Country resources

Explore uses and applications of WaPOR data in Mali.

WaPOR catalogue of applications
Latest project updates in Mali
Regional training workshop "QGIS for water productivity analysis" from 26 to 29 February 2024 in Algiers

Within the framework of the implementation of the activities of the project "Monitoring land and water productivity by remote sensing WaPOR...

Irrigation performance tool co-creation workshop in Ségou, Mali

On Tuesday, 4 July 2023, the WaPOR project organized a workshop in Ségou, Mali, to design a performance evaluation tool for the Office of Niger....

Meeting with the GIS specialists of the Ministry of Rural Development

The WaPOR project team in Mali recently convened a meeting with a GIS specialist to explore the integration of WaPOR data into Mali's agricultural services...

Workshop on the use of WaPOR data for Pastoralism in Bamako, Mali

Recent national consultations conducted under the auspices of FAO in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Senegal have identified specific sectoral applications...

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