WaPOR at the International Soil and Water Forum 2024
Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel and online
Hybrid Event, 10/12/2024

At the International Soil and Water Forum 2024, we will explore methods to enhance water productivity while ensuring water sustainability during the side event Water Productivity as the Agriculture Water Performance Indicator. WAPOR and its application in Tunisia through the IREY apps will be featured. (Tuesday 10, 7.00 am CET)
Then, we will discuss technologies and tools promoting climate resilience and nature-positive land, soil, and water management during the thematic session Technologies and tools for climate-resilient land, soil and water management. We will focus on integrating these systems for ecosystem restoration and highlight innovations like AI and geospatial systems, both at regional and global levels. (Tuesday 10, 12.30 pm CET)
Register here to attend both events online
💧 Water Productivity as the Agriculture Water Performance Indicator
13.00 - 14.00 ICT (07.00 - 08.00 am CET) | Location: Monthathip 4 and online
This session will discuss water productivity as a performance indicator and explore methods to enhance it while ensuring water sustainability. It will feature case studies and strategies for balancing productivity with sustainable water use.
Moderator: Mr Maki Abdourahman, Land and Water Officer, FAO, sub-regional office for North Africa, Tunisia.
- Water productivity and performance, Why monitor when water is free? Mr Neil Lazarow, Program Manager for Water, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Australia
- Water Productivity monitoring via remote sensing, WaPoR. Ms Livia Peiser, Lead of Geospatial Unit, Land and Water Division, FAO.
- Achievements in the disaggregation of SDG 6.4.2 (level of water stress) by river basin and sub-basins. Mr Riccardo Biancalani, Project Coordinator, FAO.
- Agriculture Advisory Service Apps (IREY) for Field Crops Using WaPor for Improved Water Productivity in Tunisia. Mr Anis Bousselmi, Director of Studies and Technology Transfer, National Institute of Field Crops, Tunisia.
💧 Technologies and Tools for climate resilient land, soil and water management
16.30 - 18.00 ICT (12.30 - 14.00 CET) | Location: Suriyanchandra and online
The session will focus on technologies and tools that promote climate resilience and nature-positive management of land, soil, and water resources. It will discuss the integration of these systems for ecosystem restoration and highlight innovations like AI and geospatial systems Insights from global initiatives and regional projects will inform actions for leveraging these tools at various levels.
Moderator: Ms Livia Peiser, Senior Land and Water Officer, FAO.
- Opening. Mr Pedcris Orencio, Senior Officer, ASEAN Secretariat, Indonesia and Ms Livia Peiser, Senior Land and Water Officer, FAO.
- Enhancing sustainable water and land resources management in Somalia through data and information services: The FAO SWALIM approach. Mr Ugo Leonardi, Technical Adviser, FAO, Somalia.
- Demystifying Science of Aquifers for Community-driven Sustainable Land and Water Resource Management. Ms Ankita Yadav, Researcher, Watershed Organization Trust, India.
- Enhancing Drought Resilience in Tropical Perennial Crops through Innovative Stable Isotope Techniques.
Mr Gerd Dercon, Laboratory Head, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria. - BNI System – Development of planet-friendly agricultural production system using biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) technology. Mr Yoshihashi Tadashi, Senior researcher (Project Leader), Biological Resources and Post-harvest division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Japan.
- Questions & Answers
- Mr Setiari Marwanto, Head of Research Center for Estate Crops, BRIN, Indonesia
- Mr Tony Weber, National Lead - Water Modelling, Alluvium International, Australia
- Ms Heba Al-Hariry, Land and Water Officer, FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa
- Mr Hamid Mehmood, Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP
- Closing remarks. Mr Sion Chiew, Soil and climate data specialist, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand.