WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Symposium Discusses Reality and Challenges of Water Security In Jordan


​Under the patronage of the University of Jordan (UJ) President, the department of Geography at the School of Arts in cooperation with the Environmental Geographical Association held a symposium entitled: "Water Security in Jordan: Reality and Challenges" on 13 March 2023.

The symposium discussed three main topics: "Surface Water and Water Harvesting in Jordan" presented by the Secretary-General of the Jordan Valley Authority, "Climate Predictions of Rain and Temperature in Jordan" presented by the Arab Weather Center and "Agriculture in Jordan and Water Needs”, presented by the National Center for Agricultural Research (NARC).

Around 50 representatives from several institutes were in attendance to the symposium, mostly from the geography departments of several national universities, the Jordan Valley Authority, the NARC, Arab Weather Center and FAO Jordan.

During the discussion, WaPOR was mentioned as a potential tool to be leveraged for irrigation management which is a central thematic for Jordan at the moment. There were some questions related to the accurate estimation of crop production where the WaPOR tool was cited as a potential tool for predicting the actual water productivity and crop biomass. This symposium shows that there is a good level of awareness in Jordan about WaPOR which keeps being consolidated in events such as this. 


Read more about this event in an article published on the website of the University of Jordan.

Photo credit: University of Jordan