WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

ET4FAO Final Virtual Workshop “Consistent Estimation of Evapotranspiration at Multiple Spatial Scales Using Copernicus Data”, 25 May 2021, 13:00-15:00 CEST


Update: the final report for the ET4FAO project was published on the 13.01.22 and is availabble online, here. So is the publication on the utility of Copernicus-base ET inputs; it can be found here.


Increasing need for fresh-water resources, particularly in irrigation, makes it imperative to develop tools to monitor and improve water use efficiency at field, regional and national levels. Satellite observations are highly suitable for this task. For this reason, FAO, the custodian agency of SDG Indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2, developed the WaPOR portal which provides satellite-based (Terra and Aqua, PROBA-V/Sentinel-2 and Landsat) evapotranspiration (ET) maps.

The workshop “Consistent Estimation of Evapotranspiration at Multiple Spatial Scales Using Copernicus Data” is organized in the framework of the project “Increasing crop water use efficiency at multiple scales using sentinel evapotranspiration – ET4FAO”, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). The project aims to evaluate the suitability of using Copernicus data (in particular Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellite observations and ERA5 meteorological data) to produce national-scale ET maps which are consistent at multiple spatial resolutions (20 m to 300 m) and which could be used during the evolution of WaPOR portal.

This workshop will outline the methods developed during the project, showcase Copernicus based ET maps which are available here, and present validation against field measurements and comparison with WaPOR products. The future potential of Copernicus-based ET products will be also discussed.

The workshop is targeted to experts in remote sensing in the field of agriculture and hydrology.

Join the meeting here


Workshop agenda, 25 May 2021

13:00-13:10        Introduction, Radoslaw Guzinski, DHI GRAS

13:10-13:20        WaPOR portal and ET products, Livia Peiser, FAO

13:20-14:00        ET4FAO methods, Radoslaw Guzinski, DHI GRAS

14:00-14:30        ET maps inspection and validation, Hector Nieto, Complutig

14:30-14:55        Copernicus-based ET, Benjamin Koetz, ESA

14:55-15:00        Conclusions, Radoslaw Guzinski, DHI GRAS

For more information about the workshop and the “ET4FAO” project, visit the dedicated webpage.