Workshop on Planning and Fieldwork Preparation for Data Collection

In Tunisia, as part of the WaPOR 2 project, activities have been identified for the development and provision of high-resolution data (20 meters). This includes planning and preparation of fieldwork, collecting ground reference data, and creating maps.
FAO supported the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources, and Fisheries by training a multidisciplinary team specialized in geomatics and crop mapping. The team consists of 14 engineers and technicians representing various organizations (BPEH, DGGREE, DGACTA, DGF, DGPA, ONAGRI, INGC, IO, and CDRA of Jendouba and Kairouan). A workshop was held from June 20th to June 22nd, 2023, to plan and prepare fieldwork in project areas in Jendouba and Kairouan. With the support of FAO, the team identified and collected baseline information, tested the "Qfield" application, and determined the required number of sampling units. The team was divided into two groups: one for Jendouba and one for Kairouan.
Field missions were scheduled as follows: the data collection mission in Jendouba from July 2nd to July 7th, and the data collection mission in Kairouan from July 17th to July 21st.