Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)
The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) is a community of experts, which currently has more than 4000 core members from five different continents to interact and exchange knowledge on food security and nutrition through online discussions. Awareness on good governance and the right to food are key elements for the project in the collaboration with the FSN Forum. This collaboration has resulted in an increased awareness of food security governance and right to food issues in the global discussions.
Food security governance and the right to food were paramount elements as the FSN Forum conducted online consultations on the development of studies on Land Tenure and Investment in Agriculture, Price Volatility and the global online consultation on the Global Strategic Framework (GSF) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).
Regarding regional governance, the project supported the FSN Forum in carrying out an online consultation of the CARICOM Regional Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan (RFNSAP) 2012 – 2016 in order to allow the inclusion of the points of view of the Caribbean civil society. National governance was addressed as the project supported the Forum in carrying out an online consultation on the Draft Food Sovereignty and Security Law for the Dominican Republic, hereby including the points of view of the Dominican civil society.

Support of the production of the publication:
and the realization of the new website

25.03.2013 – More than 60 Members of Parliament proposed a draft Law on Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security, for the Right to Food in the Dominican Republic. The process began in the first half of 2011, when the Inter-institutional Committee for Food and Nutrition Security, composed of the Ministries of Agriculture and Health and the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger, and with the technical support of FAO, WFP, PAHO and UNDP, started the implementation of 8 Regional Forums...
Fórum sobre Agricultura Familiar e Segurança Alimentar na CPLP [PORTUGUESE]
Facilitated by the FSN Forum (16.10.2012 - 20.11.2012)

Online Consultation on the CFS Global Strategic Framework
See the section: Committee on World Food Security (CFS)

HLPE Consultations to set the track of its studies
See the section: High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE)
Online Consultation on the CARICOM Regional Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan (RFNSAP) 2012 - 2016
Facilitated by the FSN Forum (02.08.2011 - 15.09.2011)
Online Consultation on the Draft Food Sovereignty and Security Law for the Dominican Republic [SPANISH]
Facilitated by the FSN Forum (16.11.2011 - 31.01.2012)