The 3rd Project Steering Committee at Settha Palace

The 3rd Project Steering Committee was held at Settha Palace on 5 February 2019 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. The Project Steering Committee Meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Dr Saynakhone Inthavong, and a regional representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Mr Beau Damen.
This meeting was an important opportunity to take stock of project progress over the past six months and to report that a great deal has been achieved of the SAMIS project implemented activities especially for 3 components and the challenges that SAMIS have been faced.
Speaking at the meeting, Dr Saynakhone said “The project has two main objectives. The first is to enhance monitoring, analysis, communication and the use of agro-meteorological data for decision making in the agriculture sector and food security at the national and provincial levels. The second is to improve the monitoring and analysis of agricultural production systems by increasing capacity about land resource information management systems and agro-ecological zoning to support agricultural policies and climate change adaptation.”
The steering committee congratulated the project for its advances and provided multiple recommendations for the future development of activities. In addition, the project will organize the next meeting in the field so that the members of the committee will have a more deep understanding of the state of the activities.