Advanced GIS programming training held by the Asian Institute of Technology

In collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology the SAMIS is organizing a three week training for the government entities part of the project, including DMH and DALAM.
From 28th of January until the 1st of February a GIS training will take place at DMH. The week after, from the 4th of the 8th of February, an introductory training on “phyton scripting and R software” will take place at DMH and involve also DALAM staff. Finally, from 11th to 14th of February an advanced “phyton scripting and R software” will take place, and will also include introduction to machine learning for land classification. The last training, aimed at DALAM, will also include some staff from DMH.
It is the first time that the two teams of the project sit in a training together, setting the page for building a common climate change data monitoring system and increasing the general capacity about data treatment at national level. In total, the capacity of more than 30 GIS staff will be strongly improved, so that a paradigm shifting in information management for policy making will be enabled.