Under the SAMIS analyses, policy recommendations containing proposed actions and strategies were elaborated in the form of a pathway action plans for future of crops and value chains. This was done to ensure an effective implementation of the Agriculture Development...
The Atlas of agricultural livelihood and climate risk was launched on the 9th of August and contains a multiplicity of innovative maps that are rarely produced at national level in such a harmonized manner. The Department of Agricultural Land Management...
FAO with the SAMIS project is producing the climate scenario at 20, 50 and 100 years for Lao PDR. Also, SAMIS is producing the Agro-Ecological Zoning (AEZ) Suitability and Yield maps for the six major crops of Lao PDR at...
On 5th of May, the first online meeting of the team preparing the SAMIS2 project. Besides the consultants from the SAMIS and from the SAMIS2 team, the meeting included representatives of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology and of the...
After nearly five years of modelling and IT work, the Climate and Agro climate Atlas of Lao PDR is was launched on 3rd of May 2022 as a product of the FAO’s GEF-funded project "Strengthening agro-climatic monitoring and information systems...