Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

Social cohesion


We promote investments that create hunger-free and socially cohesive territories with institutions and actors that encourage the inclusion of poor sectors and groups particularly affected by inequality (women, youth, indigenous communities, and migrants).


The systems of indicators used to measure the results of social cohesion and inclusive development should be holistic and integrate a broad spectrum of topics. Below we propose a panel of indicators for monitoring a territorial development that is inclusive and ensures equal opportunities between different races, sexes and levels of income:

Social capital and equal opportunities

Social capital and equal opportunities

  • Increased trust in democracy as a system of government
  • Amount of studies and research that offer visibility to the target groups of social inclusion policies
  • Level of consumption and access to services
  • Digital gap
  • Increased citizen participation in organizations
  • Decrease in the number of victims of crime
  • Existence of instruments to control corruption
  • Decrease in rates of violence
  • Frequency of social conflicts 

Fight against poverty

Fight against poverty

  •  Rate of malnutrition
  • Access to healthcare
  • Access to drinking water
  • Access to basic sanitation and sewage systems or septic tanks
  • Access to electricity
  • Access to consumer goods
  • Social welfare index
  • Level of income distribution
  • Average level of education
  • Percentage of early school leavers

Gender equality

Gender equality

  • Percentage of time per day dedicated to paid and unpaid activities within the family, by gender
  • Human capital training programs for equal conditions
  • Percentage of women in executive, legislative or judicial positions
  • Percentage of female mayors and city councilors
  • Unsatisfied demand for family planning
  • Maternal mortality rates
  • Breakdown of personal data by gender
  • Existence of gender indicators in relevant organizations
  • Data processing that allows for crossing gender variables with other variables

Indigenous communities

Indigenous communities

  • Percentage of registered indigenous citizens that can exercise their civil rights.
  • Number of indigenous congressmen, women and mayors and local authorities that participate in validating municipal development projects and programs.
  • Percentage of public investment assigned to improving the conditions of indigenous communities.
  • Number of indigenous professionals working in the management and coordination of municipal/territorial planning services.
  • Indigenous organizations and community councils are consulted prior to decisions being made that will affect them.
  • Percentage of public investment used to finance leadership schools with an emphasis on indigenous communities.
  • Percentage of self-demarcated territories.
  • Mechanisms for permanent compensation of indigenous communities for environmental services.
  • Sustainable development plans, programs and projects based on the cultural identity of indigenous communities.
  • Recovering and applying the legal systems of indigenous communities.

Decent work

Decent work

  • Level of formalization of jobs 
  • Level of compliance with minimum wages
  • Level of eradication of child labor
  • Actions to promote jobs for women
  • Long-term unemployment rate
  • Population in unemployed households
  • Decrease in the number of conflicts in employee-employer relationships

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