Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

Climate resilience


We encourage investments that strengthen the territory's ability to protect its inhabitants and natural ecosystems from the various threats to the adverse effects of climate change.

Result and impact indicators

In order to measure a decrease in vulnerability to climate change in intervened territories, the following is a series of proposed indicators of impacts and results. 

Legislation and financing mechanisms for sustainability and adaptation to climate change

Legislation and financing mechanisms for sustainability and adaptation to climate change

  • Number of municipal/regional horizontal regulations for sustainability, the environment and climate resilience.
  • Institutions associated with capacity building programs for community management of landscapes, natural resources and the effects of CC.
  • Increase in investments for monetary and non-monetary incentives, payments for environmental services and tax incentives that incorporate climate risk management.
  • Existence of climate risk insurance.



Integrated management and sustainable use of natural resources

Integrated management and sustainable use of natural resources

  • Increase in protected areas, marine areas, and extensive agriculture covered by programs of biodiversity protection and sustainable management of landscapes and natural resources.
  • Agricultural information systems that include CC in its variables.
  • Decrease in GHG emissions from agriculture.
  • Number of good practices adopted for sustainable water management.
  • Number of local community agreements in compliance with established sustainable management plans.

Good climate-smart agricultural practices

Good climate-smart agricultural practices

  • Reduction or reversal of bad land-use practices as well as forest degradation.
  • Increase in areas with vegetation and reduction in the deforestation rate.
  • Increase in soil fertility.
  • Increase in water quality.
  • Use of new technologies and digital information systems to support CC-sensitive practices.




Adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction in local institutions

Adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction in local institutions

  • Number of local institutions with greater adaptation capacity for decreasing climate risks.
  • Municipal/regional mechanisms and action plans to deal with extreme weather events.
  • Number of good agricultural resilience practices included in municipal/departmental development plans
  • Percentage of population covered by CC monitoring and early alert systems.
  • Good practices for preventing economic losses derived from CC.

Raising awareness of the adverse effects of climate change in the territory.

Raising awareness of the adverse effects of climate change in the territory.

  • Percentage of local government technicians and other social institutions trained in CC issues.
  • Number of technologies for adaptation to CC transferred or implemented by social actors.
  • Number of good practices disseminated by small farmer.
  • Percentage of the rural population aware of the adverse effects of CC.
  • Percentage of the rural population involved in risk prevention/reduction and response to climate-related disasters.

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