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The report "Territorial Approaches for Sustainable Development: Stocktaking on Territorial Approaches – Experiences and Lessons" investigates the value of Territorial Approaches and substantiates those by documenting good practices, describing benefits and identifying lessons learned. The report also offers policy recommendations to advance implementation of Territorial Approaches.

This publication features eight Indigenous Peoples, food systems profiles, showcasing their diverse territorial management practices, climates, culture and traditional knowledge. It also examines the forces and pressures that Indigenous Peoples withstand to maintain their livelihoods.

Over the last couple of decades, local governments have started taking action to address food system challenges. Many innovative food policies have taken place in cities in particular. However, despite major developments spearheaded by visionary local leaders and communities in recent years, local governments in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) [...]

The state of Paraná, one of Brazil’s most populated and developed states, has been aligning its public policies with sustainable development since the 1990s. More recently, Paraná has used the SDGs as a tool and framework to reduce longstanding challenges related to health, education and safety as well as to [...]

The province of Córdoba, Argentina, uses the SDGs as a framework to promote social inclusion and well-being. Providing affordable housing, addressing the gender gap in unemployment, reducing air pollution, and improving water quality are key priorities to advance regional development in the province. The SDGs provide a holistic framework to [...]