21 August 2013
In 2013 FAO commissioned to FARA, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, to conduct an assessment of needs and capacity for agricultural innovation systems in the region.
15 July 2013
In 2013 TAP commissioned SEARCA to assess current capacities and needs for institutional and individual Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems in Asia. The study included 5 least- developed tropical countries and was based...
14 June 2013
In 2013 TAP asked CIAT, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, to conduct an assessment of current capacities and needs for agicultural innovation systems in Central America.
23 July 2012
The document is the Conceptual Design of TAPipedia, an information sharing platform expected to help TAP members and other stakeholders deliver more coherent CD for AIS. TAPipedia is currently being developed by Nikos Manouselis,...
11 June 2005
This flyer illustrates the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), its work and publications.