Overview Documents
- for the full list of TAP resources, please visit the TAPipedia website (https://tapipedia.org) -
01 March 2019
This flyer aims at promoting TAPipedia: developed within the context of Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), it is an information sharing system designed to enhance knowledge exchange in support of Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation...
Common Framework on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems - Conceptual background
07 April 2016
This volume of the Common Famework illustrates the conceptual underpinnings that informed the approach and operationalization of capacity development for agricultural innovation systems.
01 March 2021
This brochure presents the five-year TAP-AIS project (2019-2024) funded by the European Union under the DeSIRA Initiative and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The project has the main...
01 January 2019
This flyer provides an overview of the TAP Common Framework on Capacity Development (CD) for Agriculture Innovation System (AIS). The objective of the Common Framework is to consolidate the different approaches to CD for AIS,...
05 February 2015
This flyer provides an overview of the Tropical Agriculture Platform and highlights its main goals and activitie