More effective and sustainable investments in water for poverty reduction

Capacity development framework

The capacity development framework developed by FAO is a key to sustainable results at country level and ensures that development efforts lead to lasting changes.

Capacity development is driven by country actors, consistent with national priorities and the local context, and anchored in national systems and local expertise.

Capacity development needs to be undertaken in partnership with national, regional and international players and requires long-term interventions rather than stand-alone short-term events.

A country reaches its development goals only by strengthening its individuals and organizations while creating an enabling policy environment.

Capacities at the three dimensions are interlinked: individuals, organizations and the enabling environment are parts of a whole. Capacity development often involves enhancing the knowledge and skills of individuals whose work results greatly rely on the performance of the organizations in which they work. The effectiveness of organizations is influenced by the enabling environment. Conversely, the environment is affected by organizations and the relationships between them.