الشعوب الأصلية

FAO launches campaign to empower indigenous women

15/01/2018 - 

On January 12 and 13 during the celebration of the High Level Forum Empowering indigenous women to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, FAO launched the advocacy campaign "Make them visible, empower them". This campaign seeks to increase the empowerment of indigenous women through the recognition of their contributions and challenges to the achievement of Zero Hunger and the whole Sustainable Development Agenda.

"Indigenous women have fundamental roles in the spiritual, social and family arenas and are seed guardians - critical carriers of specialized knowledge," said FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva during the forum. In addition, FAO’s leader affirmed that progress in the fight against hunger and extreme poverty depends on the elimination of the "triple discrimination" that indigenous women face.

Although there is broad international consensus on the important role that women play in the eradication of hunger and malnutrition, they face limitations in the exercise of their rights, which impedes their empowerment and visibility. To tackle these barriers the engagement of Governments in elaborating targeted and culturally appropriate public policies is crucial. As such, the objective of the Forum was to develop public policy recommendations to promote the rights of indigenous women, strengthen their decision making and seek ways to reduce the poverty and discrimination gap they face.

Co-organized by FAO and hosted by the Mexican Government, the High Level Forum gathered prominent members of the legislative and executive bodies from more than 12 countries in Latin America (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay and Peru), representatives of indigenous peoples and indigenous women organizations, as well as international organizations. 

Make them visible, empower them 

The campaign "Make them visible, empower them" seeks to increase the recognition of the contributions of indigenous women to food security through various activities in diverse regions. The campaign is led by FAO and counts with the collaboration of the International Forum of Indigenous Women (IIWF/FIMI) and the News Agency of Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Women (NOTIMIA), which will disseminate its contents in their digital media as well as organize various activities with their national partners.

One of the activities that is already underway is the photo contest "Indigenous Women and Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean," which seeks to highlight the role of indigenous women in preserving food security in their communities. With the ten best photos received a photographic exhibition will be prepared and taken to relevant international fora to raise awareness on indigenous women's experiences, needs and concerns. You can see the details of this initiative here

The website of the campaign will be hosted at Make them visible, empower them where those who wish to support the campaign will find dissemination material such as a concept note, a video about a day in the life on an indigenous women and information cards they can use in social media. Also, to be informed of the development of the campaign and participate both individuals and organizations can register here