Indigenous Peoples

Launch of the Indigenous Youth Campaign “My food vision is…”


Rome – Advancing on the priorities identified by Indigenous Youth in the 2021 UN Global Forum on Indigenous Youth and Indigenous Youth Global Declaration on Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems, an Indigenous Youth delegation with representatives from the seven socio-cultural regions of the world launched the Indigenous Youth Campaign for Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems.  The Global Indigenous Youth Caucus (GIYC) in partnership with the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit has designed the campaign with the title “My food vision is …”

The Indigenous Youth campaign was launched during the 2022 World Food Forum. Under this year’s  theme "Healthy Diets. Healthy Planet.", the Forum brought young people together in a safe and inclusive space to discuss, advocate and co-identify priorities and solutions on the way forward to catalyse the transformation of agrifood systems.

As seen in the photos, the Indigenous youth leading the campaign have created a position with their hands to convey their key messages and call to action.  The left hand on the bottom cupping towards the right hand on the top facing downwards has significance on many levels in the cosmologies of Indigenous Peoples. The symbology of their hands in this position conveys Mother Earth and Father Sky, the circular relationship of reciprocity, the need to protect and care for their Indigenous Peoples’ food systems, the generation of energy, and the mother-child relationship between Mother Earth and Indigenous Youth. This hand position is one that Indigenous Youth are calling upon supporters of the campaign to unite with them, to respect, protect and care for the precious elements of Indigenous Peoples’ food systems and stand in respectful partnership with Indigenous youth and Mother Earth.

“We are part of the solution, and the medicine that Mother Earth needs in these various crises,” explained Jessica Vega Ortega, a young indigenous woman from the Mixtec people.

“Through us, the global family can learn what it means to be in a consenting and reciprocal relationship with Earth Mother, rather than a transactional, extractive and harmful one,” emphasized Makanalani Gomes, Co-Chair at Global Indigenous Youth Caucus. “Our focus reflects the dire need to generate consciousness for our Indigenous Food Systems. The global family needs to understand and respect our Indigenous Peoples and our food systems to ensure the survival of humanity and the health of Earth Mother,” she concluded.  

  FAO Director-General QU Dongyu with indigenous youth advocates who have been a key part of the activities at the WFF  ©FAO/VIctor Sokolowicz

At the closing of the World Food Forum, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu also joined the Indigenous Youth delegation on stage to support their campaign.


“The Boaššu FoodLab tent at FAO shows the power of Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge systems, which combine traditional knowledge of food with new technology and innovation to address today's challenges,” emphasized FAO Director-General QU Dongyu.





 The Indigenous Youth Campaign emphasizes that:

Mother Earth is Sick.

Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge is the cure. 

Indigenous youth are the medicine.

Our food systems are the pathways.

Unite with us.


The Campaign’s 4 Key Messages are connected to FAO’s Four Betters:

1. Better Production: Indigenous youth connect intergenerational science, knowledge and techniques that are the keys to sustainable food generation.

2. Better Nutrition: Nothing can substitute the nutrition of Indigenous Peoples' foods. Keep the lifelines alive for Indigenous children.

3. Better Environment: Led by the teachings of our Elders, Indigenous youth are learning to follow the laws of nature where responsibility, servitude, and reciprocity are the ways to revive a healthy planet.

4. Better Life: Our foods are our Relatives; if they are healthy, we are healthy.


Their Call to Action is:

To Unite with Us – align yourself with Indigenous Youth. Listen to us, Learn from us, and respectfully partner with us.


 Watch the Launch Event 


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