Disease Surveillance and Reporting System
Starting from 2006, a Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response (PDSR) system was established for HPAI in 32 out of the 34 provinces in Indonesia. PDSR worked mainly through active surveillance in the initial years, but developed into a passive surveillance system later. In 2009, following an evaluation of the PDSR system, greater emphasis was placed on working with the commercial poultry sector, and a programme was initiated to strengthen relations with and surveillance in the commercial industry, mainly sector 3. The two surveillance systems worked in a complementary manner and more than 10,000 HPAI outbreaks were reported over the years through the PDSR system and the associated SMS gateway. More recently a solely SMS-based animal disease information system (iSIKHNAS) was established by the DGLAHS, and the PDSR system will be integrated into iSIKHNAS in time.
3-Zone Biosecurity
FAO ECTAD and partners have proven that biosecurity interventions can be simple and effective, yet inexpensive. The 3-Zone Biosecurity model divides a farm into three separate areas according to the associated biosecurity risk; from high disease risk external areas (red zone), to medium risk service areas (yellow zone), to the clean and highly secure access-restricted green zone where the chicken flock is located. Access from the red zone to the yellow zone requires showering and a complete change of clothing and footwear, while further inward access to the green zone requires a second change of footwear to maintain biosecurity standards.
Implemented in six commercial chicken layer farms since 2012, this simple yet cost-efficient model has rewarded participating farms with positive production and profit outcomes. A study by FAO ECTAD Indonesia shows that for every Rp 1 spent on 3-zone Biosecurity, poultry farmers will gain as much as Rp 12 in profit. Robby Susanto, an FAO ECTAD partner-farmer from Solo, testified how he could increase his profit by 10-11% by implementing the 3-Zone Biosecurity programme.
The farm biosecurity and poultry vaccination programmes have been further disseminated to support farmers through the FAO ECTAD commercial poultry programme (Pelayanan Veteriner Unggas Komersial – PVUK) in collaboration with local government animal health services (Dinas Peternakan).
Influenza Virus Monitoring (IVM) Online
Influenza virus monitoring and characterization is crucial for the development of local vaccines, effective against the circulating strains of HPAI in Indonesia. The selected challenge strains are used to test the efficacy of new vaccines developed by local commercial vaccine companies. In 2014, the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Services and FAO ECTAD launched the IVM Online platform to monitor circulating HPAI and other emerging viruses.
The impact of the IVM Online system is indicated by (i) the increasing number of isolates being uploaded to IVM Online; (ii) the increasing number of isolates that have been antigenically and genetically characterized; (iii) the improved knowledge on circulating AI viruses in Indonesia, used to inform vaccination policy; and (iv) the inclusion of university (Airlangga University Veterinary Faculty) and private poultry sector laboratories, as new IVM Network laboratory partners.