International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)
2017 2016 2015 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 - FoodComp Wageningen 2009 9th International Graduate Course on Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition - 11-24 October 2009 Wageningen, The Netherlands - organised by Argotechnology & food sciences group - Wagenien UR, University of Pretoria, Agriculture research council and the Graduate school of VLAG
- First West and Central African Training Workshop Food Composition and Biodiversity (in English) 20-31 July 2009 Ghana - organised by FAO, INFOODS, Bioversity international, CORAF/WECARD, university of Pretoria and FINSA
- First West and Central African Training Workshop Food Composition and Biodiversity (in French)13-24 April 2009 Cotonou, Benin - organised by FAO, INFOODS, Bioversity international, CORAF/WECARD, university of Pretoria and FINSA
- FoodComp Australia/OCEANIAFOODS Sydney, Australia 9-20 February 2009
2008 - FoodComp Near East - Tehran, Iran - 18-29 October 2008 Course fees paid by FAO. Full fellowships available for participants from Near East region. For more information contact: Ruth Charrondiere
- FoodComp Bratislava 6-17 October 2008 - Bratislava, Slovak Republic - organised by VUP food research institute, Slovakia WU division of human nutrition, The Netherlands
2006 - Second Asian Graduate Course on Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Hyderabad, India, 5-25 November 2006 It was organized at the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) by the National Institute of Nutrition of India (ICMR) and the International Nutrition Foundation (INF) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), INFOODS, UNU, and HarvestPlus. The 20 participants came from Armenia, Bangladesh, Botswana, Cameroon, Georgia, India, Iran, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
- The EuroFIR Course on Production of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 16-27 October 2006 The EuroFIR Course was organised by the Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University the Netherlands and the Food Research Institute, Slovak Republic, in co-operation with EuroFIR. The 30 participants came from Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Serbia Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and Ukraine. The course was based on the second edition of the book of Greenfield and Southgate: “Food composition data, production, management and use”. It included visits to a laboratory of FRI and the Slovak Food Databank.
- Metrological Concepts for Strengthening Food and Nutritional Measurements, Mysore, India, 26-30 June 2006
2005 - The 4 th ECSAFOODS course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Pretoria, South Africa - A 4 th post-graduate course on Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition was held from 7-25 February 2005 in Pretoria, South Africa, for Eastern, Central and Southern African countries. It was organized by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in cooperation with FAO, UNU, Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences) , and the University of Pretoria . From the 21 participants 12 came from South Africa, 2 from Nigeria, 2 from Cameroon, 2 from Tanzania, one from Kenya, one from Lesotho , and one from Malawi. This was the first course compressed into two weeks and which followed the second edition of the book of “ Greenfield and Southgate : Food composition data - production, management and use”. It included a short laboratory visit.
- The 7 th International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands - The seventh International Graduate Course on Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition was held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, from 31 October to 16 November 2005 . It was organized by the Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences), the Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University in cooperation with FAO, UNU, and EuroFir. T he 26 participants came from all over the world (Austria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Burk ina Faso, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Israel, Kenya, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway (2), Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, USA, Vietnam, and the Netherlands). The course was based on the second edition of the book of “ Greenfield and Southgate: Food composition data - production, management and use”. It included several visits to laboratories and one to the Dutch nutrient databank
- Study tour - A week study visit of a Georgian representative at Food Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovak Republic - Food Research Institute Bratislava with financial support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic organised a week study visit for a Georgian representative at the Department of Food Databases and Scientific and Technical Information, Food Research Institute, Bratislava , Slovak Republic. Georgia as a new CEECFOODS member needed to be implemented in to the CEECFOODS network and be informed in details about the objectives, activities and get trained in the software use. The visit was held from 7-11 November 2005.
2004 - The Fourth CEECFOODS Training Course –The 4 th CEECFOODS training course was held from 24 – 25 October 2004 at the Food Research Institute, Bratislava , Slovak Republic . It was attended by 20 representatives from eleven CEE countries. In addition to the nine CEECFOODS countries (Bulgaria (3), Croatia (2), Czech Republic (2), Hungary, Lithuania, Poland (2), Russia , Slovakia (5) and Slovenia (2)), also participants from two another countries of the sub region ( Armenia and Serbia and Montenegro) were present. The FAO and the International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) had a representative, too. The training was concerning to use of Alimenta version 4.2 CEECFOODS.
2003 - The 6th International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands The sixth International Graduate Course on production and use of food composition data in Nutrition was held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, from 5-24 October 2003. It was organized by the Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences), the Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University in cooperation with FAO, UNU, and IUNS. T he 25 participants came from all over the world (Bangladesh, Benin, Botswana, Brazil (2), Bulgaria, Canada, Ch ina (2), Columbia, Fiji, France, Georgia, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, Slovakia, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, the Netherlands (2), and the Philippines). The course was based on the second edition of the book of “ Greenfield and Southgate: Food composition data - production, management and use”. It included several visits to laboratories and one to the Dutch nutrient databank.
2002 - International Graduate Course on Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition (FoodComp ASIA)
A post-graduate course on production and use of food composition data in nutrition was held from 6 - 24 May 2002 at the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. It was organized by the Institute of Nutrition , Mahidol University in cooperation with FAO, ILSI, INFOODS, UNU, and Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences). The 16 participants came from SAARCFOODS (4: Bangladesh , Nepal , Pakistan ), NEASIAFOODS (2: Ch ina and Mongolia ), and ASEANFOODS (10: Brunei Darussalam , Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Thailand , Vietnam ). The course structure included lectures, practical classes and real experience on different aspects, i.e., preparation of in-house quality control sample and QC chart, assessment of data quality - peer reviewing scientific papers, writing a research proposal to be submitted to an international a gency – using International Foundation of Science (IFS) application form. Two activities according to the recommendation of participants were organised after the training course – proficiency testing (round-7) and ASEAN Manual for food analysis. - The 3rd ECSAFOODS course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Pretoria , South Africa
The 3 rd ECSAFOODS Course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition took place from 14 October to 1 November 2002 in Pretoria, South Africa. The venue was at the Agricultural Research Council - Animal Nutrition and Animal Products Institute (ARC - ANPI) at Irene. The course was organised by the ARC - ANPI in co-operation with the University of Pretoria and the Wageningen University, Netherlands. During the three week period the countries representative (students) were assisted in drawing up a plan of action for a unique food composition data base and plan of action for there own countries. During these working groups valuable information were exchanged between participants. This formed a valuable network of participation in Africa regarding food composition. Participants were from the following countries: Benin, Botswana, Burk ina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya (2 persons), Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa (8 persons), Swaziland, Uganda and India.
2001 - The 5 th International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands
The fifth International Graduate Course on production and use of food composition data in Nutrition was held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, from 1-19 October 2001. It was organized by the Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences), the Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University in cooperation with FAO, UNU, and IUNS. T he 24 participants came from Norway (2), Switzerland , Philippines (2), France , India , Italy , Canada (2), Malaysia , Malawi , Thailand , Madagascar , The Netherlands (2), Finland , Bulgaria , New Zealand , Singapore , Nepal , Turkey and China . It included several visits to laboratories and one to the Dutch nutrient databank. - International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Jamaica, Caribbean, April 17– May 5, 2001
In collaboration with other international agencies, the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI) hosted a three-week graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data for use in Nutrition in April to May 2001. The course, labelled FoodComp 2001, came as a follow-up to the formation of a regional steering committee in May 2000 and was part of the Institute's on-going efforts to establish a database to reflect the nutrient profiles of foods consumed in the Caribbean . Twenty-one professionals were trained, twenty from seven Caribbean countries and one from India . International collaborating agencies in the hosting of FOODCOMP 2001 were the United Nations University (UNU), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP). The course included demonstration of computer software used in constructing computerised databases.
2000 - The Third CEECFOODS
Training CourseThe Third CEECFOODS Training Course was held as a part of the CEECFOODS conference at the National Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw , Poland from 28 September - 1 October 2000 . In this conference representatives of 9 CEE countries (Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , Lithuania , Poland , Romania , Russia , Slovakia and Slovenia) participated, as well as the FAO Nutrition Officer Food and Nutrition Division and the Food Standards Officer FAO SEUR. A session of practical exercise was concerning to use of upgraded version of Alimenta software 4.0.
1999 - The 2nd ECSAFOODS course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Pretoria, South Africa
The 2 nd ECSAFOODS course was held from 5 – 27 June 1999 at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in Pretoria, South Africa. The course was a collaborative effort between the ARC, the Centre of Nutrition of the University of Pretoria and Wageningen Agricultural University. The course was f ina ncially supported by the collaborating organizations as well as the FAO and UNU. Participants were from the following ECSAFOODS countries: Kenya, Lesotho, and Malawi (2 persons), Namibia, South Africa (9 persons), Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe (3 persons); from WAFOODS countries Ghana and Mali were represented. - The Second CEECFOODS Training Course - The second CEECFOODS training course was organised in cooperation with FAO from 25-28 November 1999 at the Food Research Institute Bratislava, Slovakia. It was attended by 18 representatives of 10 CEE countries (Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , Hungary , Lithuania , Poland , Romania , Russia , Slovenia and Slovakia) and the Food and a Nutrition Division FAO representative. The specific activities were to train professionals from CEE countries directly involved in food composition work in the use of upgraded version of the Alimenta software prepared on the basis of comments and suggestions of CEECFOODS representatives and to discuss existing problems of the sub regional food composition network establishment. The lectures and training were given by the CEECFOODS database centre administrator and programmer and by the staff of the Slovak food databank.
1998 - The 4th International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands
The 4th International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition was held in Wageningen, the Netherlands, from 5-23 October 1998. It was organized by the Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences), the Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University in cooperation with FAO, UNU, IUNS and Cost Action 99. T he 21 participants came from Albania , The Netherlands (2), Bangladesh (3), Belgium , Cuba , Egypt , Finland , Germany , Guatemala , Italy , Kazakhstan , Norway (2), Papua New Guinea , Switzerland , Thailand , USA , and Zimbabwe . It included several visits to laboratories and one to the Dutch nutrient databank
- The first CEECFOODS Course on the Use of the Data Management and the ALIMENTA software - The course held in Bratislava , Slovakia was divided in two parts 25-29 November 1998 and 6–8 January 1999. It was organised by Food Research Institute Bratislava in cooperation with FAO. The main part was visited by 18 participants from 9 CEE countries (Bulgaria (2), Czech Republic (2), Hungary , Lithuania (2), Poland (2), Romania , Russia , Slovenia , Slovakia (5)) and 1 FAO representative and the additional training course was visited by 2 Croatians. The main objective of the course was to put together CEECFOODS national professionals working in food composition area and train them in use of the Data Management Software (DMS) and the Alimenta software. The lectures and training were given by the CEECFOODS database centre administrator and programmer and by the staff of the Slovak food databank.
1997 - The 1 st ECSAFOODS course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Cape Town,South Africa
The 1 st ECSAFOODS course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition was held from 23 June to 11 July 1997 at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa in collaboration with the Medical Research Council. Participants were from the following ECSAFOODS countries: Benin, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya , Malawi , Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa (5 persons), Swaziland, Tanzania (2 persons), Uganda, Zambia , and Zimbabwe
1996 - First Argentinean Workshop: ''Production and Use of Data in Food Composition”
The First Argentinean Workshop “Production and Use of Data in Food Composition” was held from 25 November – 6 December 1996 in Jujuy, Argent ina by FAO, the National University of Jujuy, the Higherlevel Institute of Biological Investigations (INSIBIO) at the National University of Tucumán, and the National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations. The course director was Dra. Norma Sammán. The participants came from Peru (1), Bolivia (1), Colombia (1), Uruguay (1) and Argentina (26). Lecturers were experts from Chile (2), USDA (1), Argentinean Universities (8), Producers Chamber (1) and Nutritionists Association (2) . The outcomes of this course were very positive. The universities made the c ommitment to continue the update of the food composition table which lead to the creation of a national database (www.unlu.edu.ar), the provision of data to the LATINFOODS regional database and the better institutionalization of ARGENFOODS. It also reinforced a group of professionals who continued to work on food composition data compilation and generation. The use of food composition data was increased mostly among users related to health and food production. And an interlaboratory study with commercial food samples was carried out.
- The 3 rd International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands
The 3 rd International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, was held from 30 September to 18 October in Wageningen, the Netherlands . It was organized by Graduate School Vlag ( Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences) and the Division of Human Nutrition, in cooperation with UNU, FAO and IUNS. In the course 29 participants were involved from 21 countries : Belgium, Burkina Faso, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt (4), Fiji Islands, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy (2), Jamaica, Kazakstan (2), Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Netherlands (3), Zambia, Zimbabwe. It included several excursions.
1995 - FoodComp LATINFOODS
The First Regional Workshop FAO-UNU/INFOODS on “Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition” was held from 9 – 27 October 1995 in Santiago, Chile . The participants came from South America and North America: Argentine (4), Bolivia (1), Brazil (3), Chile (3), Colombia (1), Ecuador (2), Mexico (1), Paraguay (1), Peru (4), Uruguay (1) and Venezuela (2). Lecturers were experts from FAO, INFOODS, USDA, LATINFOODS, Nestle and Roche. The main outcomes of this course were: a) creation of the regional food composition database whose table is presently located at http://www.rlc.fao.org/bases/alimento/default.htm; b) an inter-laboratory study (proficiency test carried out by 14 laboratories from 10 countries) with commercial food samples and reference materials provided by ASEANFOODS; c) a compilation of typical dishes with recipes and chemical composition of 100 preparations, 10 per country; d) report of the workshop (F AO document NUT- 60, Regional Office) with complete list of human and material resources prepared by the countries; e) Book of the workshop edited by FAO and SAMFOODS, published by FAO with the detailed lectures of the workshop (356 pages).
1994 - The 2nd International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands
The 2 nd International Post-Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands . It was held from 3-21 October, 1994. It was organized by the Graduate School VLAG (Advanced Studies in Nutrition, Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology and Health Sciences), the Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University in cooperation with FAO and UNU. T he 33 participants came from Chile (2), Cyprus (2), Egypt , Ethiopia (3), Finland , Ghana , Greece (2), Guatemala , Hungary , Lebanon , Philippines , Poland (2), Portugal , Singapore (2), Slovakia , South Africa (2), Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Thailand (2), The Netherlands (3), and Tunisia . It included several visits and excursion to laboratories and to the Dutch nutrient databank
1992 - The 1st International Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands The 1 st International Post-Graduate course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition was held from 5-23 October in Doorwerth, The Netherlands. It was organized by the Department of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University , in cooperation with FLAIR Eurofoods-Enfant Project. In the course 15 participants were involved from 10 countries: Belgium , Denmark , France , Hungary , Greece (3), Ireland , Kenya , The Netherlands (2), Norway (3), and United Kingdom . The course include an excursion to the Food Inspection Service, Nijmegen , The Netherlands
| Last update: 20-10-2022 05:26 |