
Type: Publications
Year: 1977
Synopsis. Biological data. Freshwater fish. Taxonomy. Identification keys. Vernacular names. Morphology (organisms). Geographical distribution. Hybridization. Sexual reproduction. Life cycle. Dc:velopment (biological). Autecology. Population characterisdcs. Inland fisheries. Fishing gear. Fishing grounds. Fishery regulations. Habitat improvement. Stocking (organisms). Fish culture. Freshwater aquaculture. [...]

Type: Publications
South and central America, North America
Year: 1975
Taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries and culture of largemouth bass.

Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1975
GeographyRecent history and social organizationStatus of freshwater fisheries and aquaculture
IntroductionWater and its usesLand and water development strategy
Major schemesHupei Province (as an example)Integration of major, small-scale and on-farm schemes
Reservoirs and pondsNatural lakesCanals and creeksOn-farm water supply systemPaddy fields
Modification [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1975
In 1973 FAO published “A Bibliography of African Freshwater Fish”, prepared by H. Matthes. This compilation included all references to African Freshwater Fishery Science up to 1968 with the exception of papers dealing with economics and/or fishery statistics, processing, agricultural [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1974
Floodplains are defined as those low lying areas, bordering rivers, which are seasonally inundated by overspill from the main river channel.
During the dry season there is an accumulation of nutrients on the plain in the form of animal dung, rotting [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1974
National ReportsClimatologyHydrologyBiology of the Sahelian FisheriesMonitoring Production and EffortThe Fisheries Ecology of the FloodplainsPossibility of Fish Culture in the Sahelian ZoneFish and Fisheries TechnologyTrainingOrganization of Inland Fishery AdministrationAction Programme of Assistance to the Fisheries of the Sahelian Zone

Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1974
Taxonomy, distribution, biology, fishery and culture of Labeo rohita a major Indian carp.

Type: Publications
Year: 1974
Malgré les travaux considérables effectués ces dernières années sur la pêche dans les eaux continentales africaines, il est curieux de constater que l'on en a consacré très peu à la biologie des poissons de rivière. Or, ces derniers contribuent peut-être [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1974
This publication will be useful to those who are in charge of introducing programmes of artisanal boatbuilding. Its presentation makes it suitable for immediate application.
Cette publication est destinée aux personnes chargées d'introduire un programme de construction artisanale d'embarcations. De par sa [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1974
Rapports nationaux
Biologie des pêches du Sahel
Supervision de la production et de l'effort de pêche
Ecologie des pêches des plaines d'inondation
Possibilité de pisciculture au Sahel
Technologie du poisson et des pêches
Formation professionnelle
Organisation de l'Administration des Pêches
Programme d'assistance au développement des pêches de la [...]