La pêche continentale


Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 2004
The Seminar on Responsible Fisheries Management in Large Rivers and Reservoirs in Latin America was held in San Salvador, El Salvador, on 29 January 2003, in association with the ninth session of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 2004
Rice today is grown in 113 countries in the world in a wide range of ecological conditions and water regimes. The cultivation of most rice crops in irrigated, rainfed and deepwater systems offers a suitable environment for fi sh and [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2004
This document discusses the history and the current status of marine and freshwater ornamental fish species in Sri Lanka, which areexported tosome 25 countries in responseto demand. It contains lists of marine and freshwater species, including endangered species, and information [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 2004
The Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries was held on 11 - 14 February 2003 in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. It had three primary objectives: to provide a forum to review and synthesise the [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 2004
The Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries was held on 11 - 14 February 2003 in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. It had three primary objectives: to provide a forum to review and synthesise the [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2003
There are repeated references to the crucial importance of fish and fish products in the nutrition and livelihoods of the Myanmar people. Whilst it is certainly recognized that fish is second only to rice in the Myanmar diet, there is [...]
Type: Publications
Europe, Global
Year: 2003
FAO, Rapport sur les pêches no 681, Supplément, FIRI/R681 Suppl. (Fr). Le Symposium sur la gestion des pêches intérieures et l'environnement aquatique: effets de la gestion des pêches sur les écosystèmes en eau douce, s'est tenu à Windermere (Royaume-Uni), du 12 au [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 2003
Mountains of the world cover about one-fifth of the land surface, are home to one-tenth of the world’s population, and provide livelihood to some of the poorest communities in the world. Mountain lakes and streams are a source of freshwater [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 2003
A  simplifed explanation of the  FAO technical  guidelines "Inland fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 6. Rome, FAO. 1997. 36p.".  This document highlights the special characteristics of inland water fisheries and the challenges involved in making sure that fish [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2003
As a contribution to the Dialogue on Water, Food and the Environment, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and IUCN - the World Conservation Union have undertaken a joint initiative to investigate the relationships between living aquatic [...]