
Type: Publications
Russian Federation
Year: 1970
Following the Group Fellowship Study Tour on Inland Fisheries Research, Management and Fish Culture in the U.S.S.R. 15 July – 15 August 1965 attended by participants from English and French speaking developing countries, it was decided to hold a second [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1970
First of a series of reports on water quality criteria for European freshwster fish prepared for and approved by the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. The background of the project is described and reasons for establishing water quality criteria for [...]

Type: Publications
Russian Federation
Year: 1970
This report presents the lectures given at the first and second Group Fellowship Study Tours on Inland Fisheries Research, Management and Fish Culture in the U.S.S.R., 15 July – 15 August 1965 and 31 May – 2 July 1966 respectively.

Type: Publications
Year: 1970
In the execution of the intensive programme of rehabilitation and development of its fisheries, the Inland Fisheries Trust Incorporated found itself handicapped by the lack of an effective means of speedily managing and controlling large populations of various kinds of [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1970
Meaningful minimum levels of 02 concentration at which fish can live are not easily determined. Endurance limits that have been determined in the laboratory or field by various experimental methods can be much lower or higher than the true thresholds [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1970
In the discharge of its primary objectives, which are to promote improvements in inland fisheries and to advise Member Governments and FAO on inland fishery matters and, specifically, in the exercise of one of its functions, i.e., to assist in [...]

Type: Publications
Year: 1970
Animal protein deficiencies are wide-spread in both rural and urban Iran. One means of increasing low-cost protein foods is the production of fish. The Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf are at present the main sources of fresh fish, but [...]

Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1970
Winter breeding of Hilsa ilisha (Ham.) in the Gangetic System has for long been a controversial issue. While some authours doubted tho posslbiiity of winter breeding, others differed in their opinion as to the time of spawning. The present investigation [...]

Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1970
An overview of the taxonomy, biology, fishery and culture of Catla.

Type: Publications
Year: 1970
In establishing water quality criteria for European inland fisheries, temperature plays an important role, mine industry uses substantial quantities of water for cooling purposes.
There is a normal range of temperatures in the temperate region between 0 and 30°C, to which [...]