Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean freshwater species
This bibliography was prepared following the recommendation made by the member countries of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America (COPESCAL) at its Third Session (Mexico, DF, 30 November - 6 December 1983) to facilitate the access of research workers to the scientific literature dealing with the inland-water species of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The first regional bibliography on this subject (Ziesler, R., 1979, Bibliography of Latin American Freshwater Fish, COPESCAL, Technical Paper No. 2) was published by FAO in 1979 and included the bibliographical references to specialized publications up to 1979. The present version updates the previous one and includes references to publications from 1979 to 1985. It also includes references to papers published in previous years but which were omitted in the 1979 bibliography.
The document contains a total of 806 references derived from the following sources: (1) from experts of the region through the Secretariat of COPESCAL: (2) from a computer search of the ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts) database; (3) from the FAO library.