
Year: 1996
This technical paper provides guidelines for an integrated management strategy for floodplain river fisheries. The paper is written in two separate volumes.
Part 1 presents the guidelines in a ‘user-friendly’ format, to promote their uptake by fishery managers, policy makers and [...]

Year: 1995
The importance of environmental protection and conservation measures has been increasingly recognized during the past two decades. It is now generally accepted that economic development strategies must be compatible with environmental goals. This requires the incorporation of environmental dimensions into [...]

Year: 1994
European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Guidelines for stocking coregonids. EIFAC Occasional Paper. No. 31.
These guidelines deal with three species: vendace (Coregonus albula), whitefish (C. lavaretus L. s.l.) and peled (C. peled). The transfer of whitefish and vendace has been practised for centuries and considerably [...]
Year: 1994
What kind of information do planners in inland and small water body fisheries need to ensure that gender issues are taken care of in their planning? How can such information be collected? This document contains guidelines concerning both questions. The [...]

Year: 1992
This field guide includes the freshwater fishes of present or potential interest to, or likely to be encountered in, fisheries in Tanzania. There are background remarks on the fauna and a basic introduction to taxonomy. A section on technical terms [...]
Year: 1980
Holthuis, L.B.,FAO species catalogue. Vol.1. 1980 Shrimps and prawns of the world. An annotated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.l:271 p.
This species guide is intended to provide as complete an enumeration as possible of the freshwater, [...]
Year: 1980
The purpose of this Legislative Study is to provide interested FAO Member Countries with a compendium of basic documentation, often not easily available, on the law of international water resources. It contains the most general international conventions, declarations, and resolutions [...]

Year: 1978
Glossaries. Inland fisheries. Inland water environment.The European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) proposed that aglossary of inland fishery terms be prepared. Note that in many cases more than one definition has been given. In some cases definitions may even be conflicting, [...]
Year: 1975
This publication will be useful to those who are in charge of introducing programmes of artisanal boatbuilding. Its presentation makes it suitable for immediate application.
Cette publication est destinée aux personnes chargées d'introduire un programme de construction artisanale d'embarcations. De par sa [...]
Year: 1972
A series of working papers from the seminar that cover all aspects of boat deisign in the Lake Victoria region.