Year: 2008
The EIFAC Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries was prepared in 2007 by the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) Working Party on Recreational Fisheries, involving experts and related stakeholders from Europe, North-America and Oceania. The EIFAC Code of Practice [...]
Year: 2008
Many rivers, lakes and other inland waters have been modified and degraded by human activities. Rehabilitation of degraded systems and mitigation of impacts of ongoing stresses are needed to preserve ecosystem services and fisheries, and are of a high priority [...]
Year: 2005
This paper was prepared to serve as background for a workshop on mainstreaming fisheries comanagement, held in Cambodia in August 2005. The paper examines the policy and legislative frameworks for co-management in thirteen countries in Asia and the Pacific, and [...]

Year: 2003
Cover of the FAO simplified guidelines on responsible inland fisheries
Year: 2003
A simplifed explanation of the FAO technical guidelines "Inland fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 6. Rome, FAO. 1997. 36p.". This document highlights the special characteristics of inland water fisheries and the challenges involved in making sure that fish [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2001
The Asia Diagnostic Guide to Aquatic Animal Diseases or 'Asia Diagnostic Guide' is a comprehensive, up-datable diagnostic guide for the pathogens and diseases listed in the NACA/FAO/OIE Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Reporting System including a number of other diseases which [...]
Year: 1997
Inland fisheries differ from most other fisheries forming the subject of the Code in their high degree of inter-relatedness with other users of the aquatic resource. In most areas of the world the principal impacts on fisheries do not originate [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1996
This field guide contains approximately 500 species of present or potential interest to or likely to encountered in , fisheries in the Cambodia Mekong. This covers all species historically recorded form Cambodian reaches of the Mekong as well as numerous [...]

Year: 1996
This technical paper provides guidelines for an integrated management strategy for floodplain river fisheries. The paper is written in two separate volumes.
Part 1 presents the guidelines in a ‘user-friendly’ format, to promote their uptake by fishery managers, policy makers and [...]

Year: 1996
This document complies and consolidates existing information on diseases and infections occurring in African fish. Data have been organised into a convenient format along with an update of available general information on fish diseases and their aetiological agents. Incorporated into [...]