تحسين عملية تقييم مصايد الأسماك
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2008
Fisheries play a significant role in Thailand in terms of sustaining food security and contributing to the local and national economies. The consumption of fish in Thailand (per person) is double that of the world average, highlighting the general preference [...]
Year: 2006
Fishing methods range from those which require only simple gear such as spears and rakes to the use of ocean-going vessels with enormous trawls or encircling nets. Gill netting, seine netting, electric fishing and angling are probably the most common [...]
Year: 2005
This volume includes 29 peer-reviewed papers presented at the Fifth Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe (Ustica, Italy, 9-13 June 2003). The papers cover a wide range of topics on the application of aquatic telemetry in the field of [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2003
As a contribution to the Dialogue on Water, Food and the Environment, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and IUCN - the World Conservation Union have undertaken a joint initiative to investigate the relationships between living aquatic [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2003
Inland capture fisheries provide a valuable contribution to food security in the Mekong Basin. However, official national estimates of this contribution have consistently been lower than estimates derived from more focused and localized fishery surveys. Thus, inland capture fisheries are [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2002
Inland capture fisheries in Southeast Asia are characterised by great diversity in the range of gears used, types of environments in which they are used and the socially and culturally complex societies within which they operate. This presents unique problems [...]
Year: 1996
This document was intended for aquaculture development specialists, aquaculture project managers, and officials and specialists involved in the planning and management of aquaculture activities in small water bodies in Africa. It is intended to provide an introduction to Rapid Rural [...]

Year: 1995
The most important inland fisheries in southern Africa tend to be concentrated on large lakes, such as Tanganyika, Malawi and Kariba, or the floodplains and rivers in the northern parts of the region. The supply of fish is erratic in [...]
Year: 1995
A one year study was carried out in two small water bodies in Malawi, southern Africa by ALCOM in collaboration with the Government of Malawi to test length-based, tag-recapture and empirical methods to estimate growth, mortality rates and fish production.
Almost [...]
Year: 1995
In order improve the management of a fishery it is necessary to determine which species are present and in what quantities. Sampling of the fish stock is thus needed. For monitoring the effects of certain management strategies, it will also [...]