Рыболовство во внутренних водоемах

Совершенствование оценки в рыбном хозяйстве

Year: 2012
Catches from African inland capture fisheries are rising at about 3.7 percent per year. The combined reported catches in 2007 were 2 463 975 tonnes. Catch reports from the 20 highest producing countries (representing more than 94 percent of the [...]
South and central America
Year: 2011
Consumption of fish in the Brazilian Amazon. This study reviews 39 publications related to the consumption of fish in the Brazilian Amazon. According to the results of the study, 575 thousand tonnes of fish each year in the Amazon basin, [...]
Year: 2011
Indications are that the eel stock remains at an historical minimum, continues to decline and is outside safe biological limits. Recruitment of both glass eel and young yellow eel continues to decline and shows no sign of recovery. Current levels [...]
South and central America
Year: 2011
En este documento se presentan los datos de 12 casos de estudio sobre el consumo de pescado de grupos indígenas y criollos asentados en la amazonía ecuatoriana, publicados en diferentes revistas científicas y otras publicaciones entre 1986 y 2007. De [...]
South and central America
Year: 2011
En este documento se presentan y analizan los resultados de 11 casos de estudio sobre el consumo de pescado por grupos indígenas y en las principales ciudades de la cuenca amazónica en Bolivia. De cada caso de estudio se refleja [...]
South and central America
Year: 2011
En este documento se analizan nueve casos de estudio de grupos indígenas asentados en la cuenca amazónica venezolana: étnias Baniva, Baré, Curripaco, Piapoco, Warequena, Yanomami y Yeral. Los casos de estudio fueron publicados en diferentes revistas científicas y otras publicaciones [...]
Year: 2010
The EIFAC Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries were prepared in 2009 by the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) Ad Hoc Working Party on Socio-Economic Aspects of Inland Fisheries. EIFAC considered that the implementation of [...]
Year: 2010
This Report summarizes the presentations, discussions and recommendations of the 2009 session of the Joint EIFAC/ICES Working Group on Eels which took place in Göteborg, Sweden, hosted by the Swedish Board of Fisheries, from 7 to 12 September 2009. In [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2009
The purpose of this paper is to analyse whether the apparent trend in inland capture fishery production in the Asia-Pacific region since 1950 according to FAO statistics is reflective of the growth in inland fisheries or whether it is influenced [...]
Year: 2008
At the FAO and the World Bank workshop in April 2008 where all the five Caspian countries participated it was agreed: “that a workshop should be held under the TCP Project with the following objectives: (i) identify, develop and test [...]
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