التنوع البيولوجي المائي ومصايد الأسماك الداخلية
Year: 1995
A one year study was carried out in two small water bodies in Malawi, southern Africa by ALCOM in collaboration with the Government of Malawi to test length-based, tag-recapture and empirical methods to estimate growth, mortality rates and fish production.
Almost [...]
Pacific and Australasia
Year: 1993
This report provides preliminary information on the biology and ecology of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in highland streams of Papua New Guinea. The extent of success of its introduction and its implication on any future introductions of other coldwater fish species [...]

Pacific and Australasia
Year: 1993
(Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project PNG/85/001 Field Document 17) This document serves to archive the recommendation made by project PNG/85/001 to stock the Sepik-Ramu river system with the fish Colossoma bidens and the responses from the project advisory group in [...]

Year: 1992
This field guide includes the freshwater fishes of present or potential interest to, or likely to be encountered in, fisheries in Tanzania. There are background remarks on the fauna and a basic introduction to taxonomy. A section on technical terms [...]

Year: 1992
Following Government's Fishery Policy (1987–96), FAO/UNDP and the Malawian Fisheries Department have jointly undertaken a project of which the main immediate objective was: to carry out research to formulate a suitable management plan for the Chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fisheries in [...]

Year: 1990
Between 18 January and 13 February, 1990, a frame survey (FS) was carried out in the project's working area comprising Lake Malombe, the Upper Shire River and the South East Arm of Lake Malawi (fig.1). The aim of the survey [...]

Pacific and Australasia
Year: 1990
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project PNG/85/001. Field Document Number 12/b
(1) This report details some species of fish considered appropriate for stocking the Sepik/Ramu Rivers.(2) Fishes thought suitable for introduction have been divided into three categories: Category A (species whose introduction [...]
Year: 1988
This synopsis consolidates all the available published data on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, growth, migration, population dynamics, fisheries, management and culture of Northern pike; a species which has been exploited and cultured for food since many years in European and [...]
Year: 1988
The fisheries of Lake Victoria have undergone very substantial changes in recent years owing, in particular, to the rapid proliferation of the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus). There has been intense controversy over the impact of this introduced predator species [...]
Year: 1987
This summary is an attempt to generalise from fragmentary information, and the conclusiions reached should not be used as a basis for action without reference to the main report. For water.pollution control purposes, the concentration-addition model for describing the joint [...]